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Artist:Utagawa Kunisada II 二代目歌川国貞 (1823-1880)
Description: Actor Segawa Kikunojō V (五代目瀬川菊之丞) as the Nun Myōchin (尼妙椿), from the series The Book of the Eight Dog Heroes (Hakkenden inu no sōshi no uchi 八犬傳犬之草紙廼内 ). Published by Tsutaya Kichizō (Kōeidō) in December 1852. Blockcutter: Tsuge Shōjirō (Hori Shōji).
Signed:Ichijusai Kunisada ga, in toshidama cartouche (一寿斎国貞画(年玉枠))
Size:Oban, 24.5 cm x 36 cm
Condition:Very good impression and colour. Trimmed on the right. Small binding holes and four small worm holes.
Price:950 euro SOLD