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Artist:Toyohara Kunichika 豊原 国周 (1835-1900)
Description: Pentaptych titled The Gang of Five Coming Home Like Wild Ducks (Asaegari karigane no gonin ren 朝帰雁の五人連). From right to left, the five actors Sawamura Tanosuke III as Karigani Bunshichi, Ichimura Uzaemon XIII as Abe Hanbei, Nakamura Shikan IV as Kaminari Kōkurō, Kawarazaki Gonjūrō I as Senemon and Sawamura Tosshō II as Hotei Ichiemon. In the backdrop the silhoutte of people on their way to work in the early dark morning. Kunchika was inspired by his teacher, Utagawa Kunisada, who had made a similar piece the previous year. The ‘Five Chivalrous Men’ were a group of thieves that were executed in 1702. Also called otokodate (heroic commoners who stood up to corrupt samurai), their adventures were the basis of many puppet and kabuki plays. Their leader, Bunshichi, is pictured on the right panel. Published by Izutsuya in 4/1863. Block carver: Horikō Shinchō.
Signed: Ittō Kunichika ga with toshidama cartouche.
Size:Oban tate-e
Condition:Very good impression, color and condition.
Price:Euro 1450
Reference: Amy Reigle Newland, Time Past and Time Present, Images of a Forgotten Master, Hotei Publishing 1999, p. 72